Enhancethearmororweaponsinvulcanusthere are a fewthings to notethatyour goodsto be+ +.firstyou have to dois:
1.Viewingtime (timming)
Invulcanuscertainly manypeoplewhodoEnhance, ifyouwant to succeedwhenpeopledonoticeEnhance(failed and successful). note.....ifthe percentagefailed inEnhancesuccessmorethanyou should not dowhentimmingEnhanceoftenfail, as thiswillmake youloseandyou will bea lotof goodsdestroyed. for example: a.Enhancenot doin timeslikethesetime
b.Enhancetimingsdoin timeslikethis
butrememberif successhas been morethan5 peoplein a rownexttothe possibility offailure is verylargeso you have tobe careful. butsometimes thesuccess ofEnhancewillbemorethan5xin a row. thereforewhen performingEnhancetimmingwaitwhilethe greatestsuccess.
2.Use thevictim'sarmoror weapon
Enhancewhileinvulcanususesomelow-level armororweaponstobevictims. for example:
ifyouhave adragongodarmor+5,do not jumpat the first opportunitybutdienhanceusespiritarmortobe a victimat the first opportunity. other than thatifyoudo notwant tosacrifice anythingandinstantlyEnhance+5armordragongodbut waittimmingwheresuccessappearedgreatest.
3.Be carefulif one is doingEnhancespirit(armor /weapon)
sometimeswesee peopledoingenhanspirit offun, be careful because thespiritarmor/weapondamageEnhancethe system failedandsuccessful, should be funifthere are people whodoEnhanceyour spiritwaituntil theperson has not beenEnhancespiritagain. and if theperson isstilldoingEnhancespiritin a long time you should leave vulcanusactivityif it does not want your goods destroted.
4.Enhancedivulcanusin doingthe mostimportant thing ispatienceand concentration, this is importantbecause it will affectthe results ofyour success.
I hopethe aboveis usefulforyour progressin playingatlantica. if one daythere isprogressI willadd.
In Indonesian language
dalam enhance armor atau senjata di vulcanus ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan agar barang anda menjadi ++. yang pertama harus anda lakukan adalah :
1. Melihat waktu (Timming)
di vulcanus pasti banyak orang yang melakukan enhance, jika anda ingin sukses perhatikan waktu orang melakukan enhance (gagal dan sukses). perhatikan.....jika persentase gagal dalam enhance lebih banyak daripada kesuksesan sebaiknya jangan melakukan enhance disaat timming sering gagal,karena hal ini akan membuat anda rugi dan barang anda akan banyak yang hancur. misalnya :
a. jangan melakukan enhance disaat waktu yang seperti ini
b. lakukan enhance disaat timing yang seperti ini
Tetapi ingat jika kesuksesan sudah lebih dari 5 orang secara berturut-turut untuk berikutnya kemungkinan kegagalan sangat besar jadi anda harus berhati-hati. akan tetapi terkadang kesuksean enhance bisa lebih dari 5x secara berturut-turut. oleh karena itu saat melakukan enhance tunggu timming disaat kesuksesan paling besar.
2. Gunakan korban armor atau senjata
Disaat enhance di vulcanus gunakan beberapa armor atau senjata level rendah untuk dijadikan korban. misalnya:
jika anda memiliki dragon god armor +5, jangan langsung dienhance pada kesempatan pertama tapi gunakan armor spirit untuk jadi korban pada kesempatan pertama. selain itu bila anda tidak ingin mengorbankan apapun dan langsung enhance dragon god armor +5 tetapi tunggu timming dimana kesuksesan muncul paling besar.
3. Berhati-hatilah jika ada yang melakukan enhance spirit (armor/senjata)
terkadang kita melihat orang iseng melakukan enhan spirit, berhati-hatilah karena spirit armor/weapon merusak sistem gagal dan suksesnya enhance,sebaiknya jika ada orang yang iseng melakukan enhance spirit anda tunggu sampai orang tersebut tidak melakukan enhance spirit lagi. dan jika orang tersebut masih melakukan enhance spirit dalam waktu lama sebaikknya anda tinggalkan aktifitas divulcanus jika tidak ingin barang-barang anda hancur.
4. Dalam melakukan enhance divulcanus yang paling penting adalah kesabaran dan konsentrasi, hal ini penting karena akan berpengaruh terhadap hasil kesuksesananda.
semoga hal tersebut diatas bermanfaat bagi perkembangan anda dalam bermain atlantica.jika suatu saat nanti ada perkembangan akan saya tambahkan.
in first in English language and next in indonesian
1. New Three Kingdoms TBS battles have been added
- You can enter into these missions through NPC [Ling Tong] near the eastern Wu camp
- [First Naval Battle] (Level Required 102, Level Recommended 112)
- [Black Forest Depot] (Level Required 112, Level Recommended 122)
- [Scourge] (Level Required 122, Level Recommended 132)
- [False Surrender] (Level Required 132, Level Recommended 140)
2. New Alishan TBS missions have been added
- You can enter into these missions through NPC [Noh Chum Chung] near the Alishan Mountain Path.
- [Alishan's Devastation] (Level Required 110, Level Recommended 120)
- [Reclaiming Alishan] (Level Required 115, Level Recommended 125)
- [The Shaman Returns] (Level Required 120, Level Recommended 130)
3. Character dialogue can be skipped during TBS missions
- While in a squad, all players must choose to skip the dialogue
4. Training Halls are no longer used
5. Sight and range can now be upgraded just 1 level
6. The visual effect that highlights a character’s attack range has been made more visible
7. When a melee character does not attack during their turn, they will be automatically placed into Guard stance
8. The issue which caused vehicles to not be created properly under certain circumstances has been fixed
9. The issue with upgrades not applying after a character’s death has been fixed
10. The problem of characters getting stuck in certain parts of [Saving Helen] has been fixed
11. The problem of the sight upgrade not being applied properly has been fixed
12. The guard effect for Melee characters in TBS battles has been improved
- Previously, damage was only reduced from Melee and ranged character's physical attacks.
- Now, all magic and explosive damage will also be reduced while guarded
13. Nearby monsters will now attack melee characters in guard mode during TBS battles.
- The higher the level of the guarded character, the more likely the monster will attack them
14. Damage and defense has been modified in TBS battles
- Ranged types defense against melee and magic attacks has been increased
- Range types damage against other range type has been increased.
- Melee types defense has been increased against all attacks
15. The range for magic has been increased from a 3x3 area to a 5x5 area in TBS battles.
- Applies to characters with 120 and 130 upgrades.
- Arrow Cascade, Multi Arrow, Chainsaw Blade, Chaos Wind, Break Down, Evanescent Scud, Destructive Wind (Combo), Bursting Beam (Combo), Beast Summon, Mana Trap, Mind Breaker, Summon Machine, Power Saw Raid, Revolver Rush, Green Dragon Glaive, Bomb Attack (Combo)
16. The area needed to continue to the next battle in the [No Safe Harbor] TBS mission has been enlarged
17. Monsters in all Troy and Three Kingdoms TBS battles have been weakened
18. The main characters overall TBS move distance has been increased by 1 space
19. The number of turns required to resurrect after dying in a TBS battle has been reduced by 1
20. The health of a dead character that revives in a TBS battle has been increased
21. Fixed an issue in which you could not resurrect with healing magic in TBS battles
22. Contribution calculations have been revised
- Contribution has been increased on enemy kills and deploying traps
- Contribution has been reduced for heal type magic
23. Fixed the issue of mercenary damage being shown in different locations
24. Magic damage from mercenaries that have the 130 upgrade has been increased
- Blazing Earth, Green Dragon's Rage
25. Rewards have been changed for all Troy Missions/Battles
- Battlefield Treasure Chest -> Troy Battlefield Treasure
- Battlefield Loot -> Troy Battlefield Treasure
- Warrior's Loot -> Troy Warrior's Loot
- Victory Loot -> Victorious Treasure of Troy
26. The attainable amount of rewards has increased
- Players can now obtain a bulk of Atlantis Coins
- Players can now obtain new ring materials
- All items within the boxes are now obtained randomly
27. In Skirmish battles, both the Quest List and Will gauge will be displayed
28. In Missions, only the Will gauge is displayed
29. The effects within the portrait area of active characters have changed
30. An issue with passive magic prematurely ending has been fixed
31. An issue of the rain effect stopping when retreating out of the [Reversal] mission has been fixed
New Alishan TBS fields are added, and included in the TBS mission page.
However, Rewards for Troy Missions/Battles are not updated yet, same for the new Three Kingdoms missions.
New Normal Dungeon has been added
- In Troy area, [Hercules' Adventure] is added.
- You can enter through the gate at Hissarlik Hill
- Level Requirement: 125
- Recommended Level: 133
New Hero Dungeons have been added
- In a Hero Dungeon, battles against monsters automatically begin at set time intervals
- Treasure chests will appear in a Hero Dungeon and a notification message will be displayed . The notification will appear regardless of your location as long as you meet or exceed the dungeon level requirement
- The use of a Blessing License will not allow you to exceed the hunting limit without penalty within a Hero Dungeon
- Hero Dungeon: Red Forest of Spirits dungeon has been added . You can enter this dungeon through the Forest of Spirits (Hanyang) Dungeon . Level Requirement: 120 . Recommended Level : 130
- Hero Dungeon: Chaotic Yosun Temple has been added . You can enter this dungeon near the Ruins of the Yellow river region . This dungeon will replace the Shadow of Eight Trigrams dungeon . Level Requirement: 124 . Recommended Level: 134
Dungeon Difficulty Lowered
- The monsters in Ancient Aztec City, Lijiang Women's Village, and Jiuzhaigou Ghost Town Dungeons are no longer under the effects of Madness of Tlaltecuhtli, Madness of Nature, and Ghost's Curse
Hercules' Adventure dungeons are added with the related quest.
Hero dungeons too.
As usually, we rely on Contributors to fill them with monsters and their loots!
New Mercenary
1. The Thai General, Khun Phaen has been added, and will be obtainable after the October 11th maintenance.
2. Khun Phaen, a Thai General, is a mercenary who wields a sword and orb.
3. Khun Phaen posses 3 magic skills:
- Thunderbolt Slash - By charging his sword with lightning energy from his orb, Khun Phaen can cause devastating lightning damage to his enemies
- Rally - Khun Phaen's great leadership emanates as a passive skill which increases the main character's stats and restores some MP on each turn
- Demoralize - Khun Phaen's fierce charisma decreases the stats of enemy mains/bosses and disables magic attacks within range during a turn
Follow the links above.
My Home
1. Furniture Store has been added
- You can enter the Furniture Store by speaking to NPC [Georgio] in Rome
- Furniture can be viewed and bought directly
- EXP is given to every player who is in the Furniture Store at a specified time every day
2. Mercenaries placed in My Home will no longer request Atlas Ore as a gift
3. Crafted My Home items durability has been increased
4. Fixed price for all My Home items has been reduced
5. Fixed price has been added for many more My Home items
6. The chance of crafting a My Home item which is available on the Market for a fixed price has been drastically reduced
7. My Home items purchased for a fixed price will have a lower durability than those which are crafted
8. My Home item crafting materials have been modified
- Atlas Ore has been removed as a required material
- The quantity of other Craftsman’s Souls and Expert’s Souls required has been increased
9. Insight collection experience has been increased
Artisan Bonus Skill Exp
A system has been added which allows artisans to gain bonus craft skill experience when equipment items they’ve created are used in battle
The artisan will only acquire the bonus skill experience while logged in
Artisans must own a Home to receive the bonus
Accumulated bonus craft skill experience can be checked and collected by speaking to the Butler Acong in My Home
Main Character Specializations
Main characters now have added special specializations that permanently increase their abilities as well as mercenaries in their formation
Main characters can now learn one magic skill of a mercenary that uses the same weapon.
All applicable effects and their increased amounts can be found in the character information window
Specialization magic can be learned at the Magic tab of the Skills window
If you want learn a different specialization magic you must reset the previously learned specialization magic skill
Information about different main character specialization magic can be found in the Game Encyclopedia.
Main Character Specialization Details (Main Character - Special Effect) - Sword - Physical Defense - Spear - Multi-Hit Rate, Accuracy, Critical - Axe - HP - Bow - Physical Attack - Gun - Critical - Cannon - Accuracy - Staff - Intelligence - Instrument - Magic Defense - Power Saw - Physical Attack, Physical Defense
New available skills for Main characters are now displayed.
Hero specializations might be available later.
Inter-Server War: Spelltower Control
Spelltower Control has been added
Spelltower Control is a war between servers which takes place on Titan Server
Requirements: Level 100 and higher (Reserved spots based on players with the highest Might)
Rewards - Oriharukon - Oriharukon can be exchanged with NPC [Qasim] for various rewards at the entrance of Rome on Titan Server - Winning server receives +25% EXP, +10% Attack Power, and +5% Defensive Buff for 1 week
A buff called [Challenger's Will] will increase the abilities of the Attack Force when the Occupying Force continuously dominates the competition
Balance Improvements
1. 3 new special effects are added for magic.
- "Random" attribute added: . "Random" attributes deliver random damage or healing within a set range. . List of affected spells: Flame Spear, Wild Shot, Light Slash, Divine Slash, Blood Vengeance, and Salvation. - "Piercing" attribute added . "Piercing" attributes deliver piercing damage and ignore magic defense. . List of affected spells: Flame Sword, Wild Shot, Requiem, Requiem Combo, Light Slash, Divine Slash, Shield Bash, Blood Vengeance, and Odin's Chain. - "Physical Attack" attribute added . "Physical Attack" attributes deliver increased number of physical attacks. . List of affected spells: Light Slash, Bursting Beam, Deadly Strike, Deadly Shot, Wild Shot, Flame Spear, Blood Vengeance, Green Dragon Strike, and Requiem Combo.
2. Green Dragon's Rage Magic Combo Effect has been added.
- When Beast's Soul is used in addition to Green Dragon's Rage, Green Dragon's Roar Combo is activated and enemy attack power is further reduced.
3. Competition Combo Hits Improved
- Damage is lowered based on the number of combo hits delivered in competition.
- Competition Combo Hit Details (Combo - Damage % - Total Damage %): . 1st Hit - 100% - 100% . 2nd Hit - 80% - 180% . 3rd Hit - 60% - 240% . 4th Hit - 40% - 280%
For each skills, when appliable:
The "random" attribute is visible in the "Health" effect, showing a range instead of a single value.
The "piercing" damage attribue is added in the effects.
The "Physical Attack" attribute is displayed with the "Increase Combo Count" mention.
Magic skill (combo) Green Dragon's Roar is added.
Item Consolidation
1. Many Mineral, Wood, Fabric, Misc., and Energy items have been combined
2. Combined items will either be excluded or have changed fixed price, crafting material, dismantle material, monster drop, independent mercenary reward/request, box contents, quest requirements, quest rewards
3. The following items have been changed at NPC [Pointry] - Battle Points
. Removed Still-Beating Heart
. Added the following
1 x Hero’s Blood - 140 Points - Fishing Points
. Removed Fragment of Divine, Whimpering of the Dead, Still-Beating Heart, Powder of Soul, Powder of Spirit, Powder of Life, Tear of the Abyss
. Added the following items
1 x Frozen Soul - 120 Points
5 x Ruby - 120 Points
1 x Hero’s Blood - 240 Points
1 x Energy of Hail - 120 Points
10 x Platinum Ingot - 100 Points - Referral Points
. Removed Tear of the Abyss
. Added the following items
1 x Energy of Hail - 100 Points
4. Combined Item Details (Old Items -> New Items) - Unless specified, the conversion rate is 1:1 - Minerals
. Clay, Copper Flakes -> Coral
. Magnesium -> Iron Sand
. Silver Dust -> Copper Ore
. Gold Dust, Copper Ingot, Platinum Ore, Sulfur -> Pearl
. Silver Ore, Coal, Iron Ore, Crystal, Gold Ore -> Silver Ingot
. Platinum, Nickel, Mithril Ore, Topaz -> Gold Ingot
. Mithril -> Oil
. Iron Ingot -> Tanzanite
. Fragment of Divine -> Refined Mithril Ingot
. Titanium -> 2:1 -> Titanium Ingot
. Adamantium Ore -> Ruby
. Mithril Ingot -> 2:1 -> Opal
. Small Diamond, Refined Oil -> Opal
. Steel -> 2:1 -> Platinum Ingot - Wood
. Small Tree Branch -> Maple
. Bamboo -> 3: 1 -> Pine
. Charcoal -> 2:1 -> Pine - Energy
. Power of Night -> Energy of Atmosphere
. Power of Dark -> Energy of Wind
. Power of Midnight -> Energy of Hail - Misc
. Small Feather -> Weak Gunpowder
. Normal Feather, Small Animal Bone -> 2:1 -> Common Gunpowder
. Pure Dragon's Blood -> Frozen Soul
. Whimpering of the Dead -> 1:2 -> Frozen Soul
. Solid Shell, Soft Hair -> 2:1 -> Sharpened Claw
. Tannin, Shining Glass -> Thick Animal Bone
. Still-Beating Heart -> 2:1 -> Hero's Blood
. Tear of the Abyss -> Energy of Hail
. Nitroglycerin, Powder of Soul -> 2:1 -> Ruby
. Powder of Life -> 2:1 -> Platinum Ingot
. Powder of Spirit, Crystal of Magic, Steel Ingot -> Platinum Ingot - Fabric
. Rough Leather, Rough Silk -> Thread
. Common Leather, Common Silk -> Embroidery Thread
. Quality Leather, Quality Silk -> Silver Thread
. Perfect Leather, Perfect Silk -> Gold Thread
. Soft Silk -> Thin Rayon - Other
. The Grace of Onteotl -> Scroll of Enchant (No Trade)
. Secret Vial of Stability -> Scroll of Enchant (No Trade)
. Jiuyodian -> Scroll of Enchant (No Trade)
5. There are 2 methods to convert the old items to the new ones
- NPC [King of Steel Andrew] will happily exchange many of the old items for their new counterparts
. NPC [King of Steel Andrew] can be found at the Bazaar in Rome
- Auto Exchange System . When you login, any of the old items that are in the main character’s and active mercenaries’ inventory will automatically be converted to the new version . A message box and a Note will notify you of the successful exchange . If your inventory is full at the time, the items will be sent to your Mailbox . Items located in other areas (Extra Inventory, Warehouse, Merc. Room, etc.) will not be automatically exchanged . The exchange will happen only during login, so you can move the items to your main or active mercenaries’ inventory and re-log if you wish for the automatic exchange to take place . Note: Due to the 1:2 conversion ratio of Whimpering of the Dead, only stacks of 5000 or less will be auto-exchanged
Dibawah ini beberapa perubahan / penambahan fitur yang akan diimplementasikan saat update Spelltower Siege
1. My Home
Penambahan Furniture Shop
- Kamu bisa memasuki Furniture Shop dengan berbicara kepada NPC [Furniture Union Presiden] di My Home Rome
- Furniture bisa dilihat dan dibeli langsung ( tidak hanya melihat icon-nya saja )
- Ada tambahan Experience untuk semua pemain yang berada di Furniture Shop pada waktu-waktu tertentu setiap harinya
- Barang-barang My Home mempunyai durability yang lebih tinggi apabila di craft
- Harga Fixed Price barang-barang My Home diturunkan
- Akan ada lebih banyak item My Home di kategori Fixed Price market
- Experience point untuk pengumpulan Insight ditingkatkan
2. Artisan Bonus Skill Exp
Artisan Bonus Skill Exp, fitur ini ditujukan khusus untuk para crafter-crafter, yang hobi membuat equipment-equipment baik untuk dijual ataupun untuk dipakai sendiri. Fitur ini akan membuat para crafter tersebut mendapatkan Experience Crafting tambahan apabila equipment buatannya digunakan player lain untuk hunting / leveling. Dan bonus experience ini hanya akan aktif ketika crafter / artisan login di dalam game, serta crafter / artisan ini harus mempunyai Home untuk mendapatkan bonus Experience.
Akumulasi bonus yang didapatkan oleh crafter / artisan dapat diambil dengan berbicara ke NPC Butler Acong
3. Main Character Specializations
Main Character / karakter utama sekarang bisa memiliki status tambahan khusus
4. Penambahan fitur Spelltower Control
Spelltower Control adalah perang antar server yang berlangsung di Titan Server setiap hari Sabtu jam 21:00 WIB
Syarat : Level 100 keatas ( Slot setiap server ditentukan dari Might tertinggi )
Hadiah :
Oriharukon Shard
Oriharukon Shard bisa ditukarkan ke NPC Qasim yang terletak di Gate Rome TITAN SERVER untuk mendapatkan bermacam hadiah
Server pemenang menerima +25% EXP, +10% Attack Power, dan +5% Defensive Buff berdurasi selama 1 Minggu
Dan buff [Challenger’s Will] akan meningkatkan kemampuan serang pasukan Penyerang ketika pasukan Bertahan terus-menerus mendominasi kompetisi
5. Balance Improvements
·Item Spear ada status tambahan Vitality
·Tiga efek special baru ditambahkan untuk magic
oPenambahan atribut ‘Random’
Atribut random memberikan efek acak antara damage atau penyembuhan dalam jarak tertentu
Daftar magic : Flame Spear, Wild Shot, Light Slash, Divine Slash, Blood Vengeance, dan Salvation
oPenambahan atribut ‘Piercing’
Atribut piercing memberikan damage tambahan kepada piercing damage dan tidak terpengaruh oleh magic defense
Atribut physical attack memberikan damage lebih dari serangan fisik
Daftar magic : Light Slash, Bursting Beam, Deadly Strike, Deadly Shot, Wild Shot, Flame Spear, Blood Vengeance, Green Dragon Strike, dan Requiem Combo
Combo baru dari Green Dragon’s Rage
Ketika Beast Soul diaktifkan bersamaan dengan aktifnya skill Green Dragon’s Rage, maka combo dari kedua skill itu yaitu Green Dragon’s Roar akan aktif dan akan membuat attack power musuh turun jauh
·Untuk setiap skill, saat digunakan :
oAtribut ‘Random’ akan terlihat di efek ‘Health’, akan memperlihatkan range bukan target single
oAtribut ‘Piercing’ ditambahkan di efek
oAtribut ‘Physical Attack’ akan diperlihatkan bersamaan dengan hitungan Combo saat menerima serangan fisik
Peningkatan Combo Hits Dalam Competition Damage dikurangi berdasarkan dari jumlah combo yang dihasilkan dalam kompetisi
Detail Serangan Competition Combo (Combo - Damage % - Total Damage %):
Serangan Pertama - 100% - 100%
Serangan Kedua - 80% - 180%
Serangan Ketiga - 60% - 240%
Serangan Keempat - 40% - 280%
6. Item Consolidation
Akan ada banyak barang-barang Mineral, Wood, Fabric, Misc, and Energy yang bisa dikombinasikan dan digantikan dengan item lain
7. Item-item yang berubah di NPC Pointry
Battle Points
oYang dihilangkan
§Still – Beating Heart
oYang ditambahkan
§Hero’s Blood – 140 Points
Fishing Points
oYang dihilangkan
§Fragment of Divine
§Whimpering of the Dead
§Still – Beating Heart
§Powder of Soul
§Powder of Spirit
§Powder of Life
§Tears of the Abyss
oYang ditambahkan
§1 buah Frozen Soul – 120 Points
§5 buah Ruby – 120 Points
§1 buah Hero’s Blood – 240 Points
§1 buah Energy of Hail – 120 Points
§10 buah Platinum Ingot – 100 Points
Referral Points
oYang dihilangkan
§Tear of Abyss
oYang ditambahkan
§1 buah Energy of Hail – 100 points
8. Item – item yang berubah menjadi item baru ( Item kombinasi ) Item lama -> Item baru, untuk item lama sudah dihilangkan atau berubah bentuk menjadi nama dan jenis baru. Item-item tersebut adalah :
oClay, Copper Flakes -> Coral
oMagnesium -> Iron Sand
oSilver Dust -> Copper Ore
oGold Dust, Copper Ingot, Platinum Ore, Sulfur -> Pearl
oNormal Feather, Small Animal Bone -> 2:1 -> Common Gunpowder
oPure Dragon's Blood -> Frozen Soul
oWhimpering of the Dead -> 1:2 -> Frozen Soul
oSolid Shell, Soft Hair -> 2:1 -> Sharpened Claw
oTannin, Shining Glass -> Thick Animal Bone
oStill-Beating Heart -> 2:1 -> Hero's Blood
oTear of the Abyss -> Energy of Hail
oNitroglycerin, Powder of Soul -> 2:1 -> Ruby
oPowder of Life -> 2:1 -> Platinum Ingot
oPowder of Spirit, Crystal of Magic, Steel Ingot -> Platinum Ingot
oRough Leather, Rough Silk -> Thread
oCommon Leather, Common Silk -> Embroidery Thread
oQuality Leather, Quality Silk -> Silver Thread
oPerfect Leather, Perfect Silk -> Gold Thread
oSoft Silk -> Thin Rayon
oThe Grace of Onteotl -> Scroll of Enchant (No Trade)
oSecret Vial of Stability -> Scroll of Enchant (No Trade)
oJiuyodian -> Scroll of Enchant (No Trade)
Nantinya setelah update berlangsung, item-item lama akan otomatis berubah menjadi item baru, namun ada beberapa item yang harus diubah secara manual oleh Atlantian, ada 2 cara untuk merubah item lama menjadi item baru, yaitu :
1.Bertemu dengan NPC King of Steel Andrew yang berada di Bazaar Rome
Otomatis berubah saat update Spelltower berlangsung, saat kamu login setelah update berlangsung. Semua item lama yang berada di inventory karakter dam mercenary yang aktif akan berubah menjadi item baru secara otomatis. Dan akan ada message / Note yang memberitahu kalau pertukaran telah terjadi dengan sukses.
Item-item yang berada di tempat lain (Extra Inventory, Warehouse, Merc.Room, dll) tidak akan berganti secara otomatis
Pertukaran hanya akan terjadi saat kamu login, jadi kamu bisa memindahkan item yang berada di area lain ke inventory karakter utama, dan inventory mercenary aktif. Lalu kamu bisa relog untuk melakukan perubahan otomatis
9. Jumlah Atlas Ore yang diperlukan untuk meng-enhance equipment Dragon God DITURUNKAN
10. Jumlah Atlas Ore yang diperlukan untuk meng-enhance equipment Divine dan Divine kebawah DITURUNKAN
11. Jumlah Atlas Ore Fragments untuk memperbaiki equipment di NPC Reginn DITURUNKAN
12. Item-item berikut ini dapat dibeli dari Fixed Price Market : Monster Egg, Platinum Ingot, Opal, Ruby, Big Slab of Lumber, Thin Rayon, Colorful Thread, Dragon God’sIre, Oriental Mushroom, Vindictive Soul Imprint, Evil Soul Extract, Enchant Stone [II], Enchant Stone [III], Mint, Magnetite, Ginkgo Wood, Brown Rice, Quality Mint, Quality Magnetite, Quality Ginkgo Wood, Quality Brown Rice
13. Harga Fixed Price untuk barang-barang dibawah ini DITURUNKAN : Gold Ingot, Silver Ingot, Tanzanite, Thick Animal Bone, Large Animal Bone, Sharpened Claw, Frozen Soul, Craftsman’s Soul
14. Dikarenakan adanya Item Consolidation, item-item berikut ini dihilangkan dari Barter Shop : Opal, Ruby, Hero’s Blood, Thin Rayon, Soft Silk, Nitroglycerin
15. Jumlah Gold yang bisa disimpan di Bank ditingkatkan dari 20 Milyar menjadi 50 Milyar
16. Harga Maksimum satu item yang bisa didaftarkan di Market ditingkatkan dari 5 Milyar menjadi 50 Milyar
17. Saat menjual item di market, tidak bisa lagi menjual item yang sudah fixed price dengan harga lebih tinggi dari fixed price, kecuali Equipment item
18. Fitur Search Market ditingkatkan, sekarang saat mencari item di market, dan item tersebut bisa dicraft, akan ada menu baru dibawah kolom pencarian yang memperlihatkan bahan-bahan apa saja untuk membuat item tersebut
19. Sistem ‘Rate’ yang ada di Market & MyStore ada penambahan info lokasi penjualan barang
20. Saat inventory kamu penuh, dan pada saat yang sama equipment berdurasi habis masa durasinya, maka equipment tersebut akan hancur, tidak lagi dikirim ke mailbox
21. Item Feast with Friends guild feast bisa ditransaksikan
22. Item quest berikut ini tidak dapat didrop:
·Map Piece
·Strange Compass
·Mirage Key
·Crystal of Truth
23. Rate dari pertukaran Atlantis coin menjadi tetap, tidak lagi naik terus menerus tanpa limit waktu
Rinciannya sbb :
·Atlantis Coin Shard - 3,000
·Atlantis Copper Coin - 30,000
·Atlantis Silver Coin - 300,000
·Atlantis Gold Coin - 3,000,000
·Atlantis Platinum Coin - 30,000,000
24. New AtlasOre Functions
Penambahan fitur Secure / Safe Enhance System, fitur ini akan membuat proses enhance menggunakan AtlasOre tidak akan turun gradenya / hancur jika proses enhance gagal. Menggunakan Secure / Safe Enhance akan memerlukan AtlasOre lebih banyak dari Power Enhance Biasa
Power Enhance ( Normal )
Safe Enhance ( New Feature )
·Mercenary dapat diupgrade menggunakan Atlas Ore atau Atlas Ore Fragments, tidak hanya menggunakan Crystals atau Jewel.
·Mempelajari magic / skills sekarang bisa menggunakan Atlas Ore atau Atlas Ore Fragments, tidak hanya menggunakan skill books. Kamu bisa memanfaatkan fitur ini dengan cara klik-kanan Atlas Ore dan pilih ‘Mempelajari Magic’ atau dengan memilih tombol ‘Belajar Magic’ dari Skills – Magic
·SemuaLicenses bisa diaktifkan atau diperpanjang waktunya menggunakan Atlas Ore. Caranya adalah dengan membuka tab License di window My Buff Effects, pilih License dan klik tombol ‘Perpanjang’
25. Mercenary Auto Battle Mode
Mercenary auto battle mode memungkinkan kamu untuk menset auto /manual battle untuk setiap mercenary. Mode ini bisa diatur dari window Formation atau selama pertandingan dari tampilan window Formation. Mercenary yang sedang berstatus Auto Battle akan mempunyai icon yang ada di atas icon foto mereka. Fitur ini tidak bisa digunakan di kompetisi : Free League, Collosseum League, Weekly Championship, dan Grand Championship. Dan untuk mengaktifkan Auto-Battle tidak perlu menggunakan License lagi namun jika kamu ingin karakter utama juga bisa auto-battle, tetap harus menggunakan Auto-Battle License
Icon komputer yang ada di atas foto mercenary, menandakan kalau mercenary tersebut dalam status auto-battle
26. Community
oLevel maksimum Guild menjadi 120
oGuild Points akan digunakan sebagai syarat untuk menaikan level guild dimulai dari lv 110
oSetiap level dari 111 ke 120, jumlah maksimum anggota akan bertambah 1 tiap level
oDari level 111 ke 120, penambahan Defense akan ditambahakan di Guild Buff
·Permasalahan whisper antar karakter yang berada di Titan Server dan Server Utama diperbaiki
·Guild Feast baru, Feast of Unity ditambahkan, dapat didapatkan dari NPC Pointry dengan menukarkan 3000 Guild Points. Buff yang diterima dari Feast ini adalah Attack Power +20%, Defense +10% selama 60 menit. 15 Anggota guild dapat berpartisipasi di feast ini
·Location Chat berubah menjadi All Chat, sehingga semua pemain di satu server dapat chat satu sama lain
27. Interface
·Auto Move dapat digunakan untuk pergi ke kota yang belum pernah dikunjungi sama sekali
·Penambahan My Buff Effects window, dari window ini kamu bisa melihat Buff apa saja yang aktif, dan juga dapat memperpanjang license dari tab License, saat ada Buff baru yang aktif, icon akan berkedip-kedip
Dengan adanya penambahan window My Buff Effects, icon untuk license yang sebelumnya berada di sebelah kiri mini-map dihilangkan
28. Perubahan Jadwal Liga dan Arena
·Pukul 00:00 Free League
·Pukul 01:00 Betting Arena
·Pukul 02:00 Collosseum League
·Pukul 10:00 Betting Arena
·Pukul 12:00 Free League
·Pukul 14:00 Collosseum League
·Pukul 15:00 Betting Arena
·Pukul 16:00 Free League
·Pukul 18:00 Collosseum League
·Pukul 20:00 Free League
·Pukul 21:00 Betting Arena
·Pukul 22:00 Collosseum League
29. General
·Beginner’s Box dihilangkan, dan sebagai gantinya ditambahkan Gift Box untuk semua level. Setiap karakter sekarang akan menerima penghargaan karena tetap login ke dalam game berdasarkan level perhari maksimal 4 jam ( maks 4 box didapatkan perharinya ).
·Progress bar akan muncul di sebelah kanan layar, dan saat penuh kalian dapat mengkliknya untuk mendapatkan hadiah.
Untuk setiap karakter dengan level tertentu akan mendapatkan hadiah Atlantis Gift Box dengan grade tertentu pula, list lengkapnya bisa dilihat dibawah ini
Lv.1 ~ Lv.30
Atlantis Gift Box [I]
Lv.31 ~ Lv.60
Atlantis Gift Box [II]
Lv.61 ~ Lv.100
Atlantis Gift Box [III]
Lv.101 ~ Lv.120
Atlantis Gift Box [IV]
Lv.121 ~ Lv.140
Atlantis Gift Box [V]
Isi dari Box tersebut adalah
Atlantis Gift Box [I] bisa mendapatkan item dibawah ini secara random
Ashen Crystal
Ambrosia(No Trade)
Water of Life(No Trade)
Enchant Stone [I]
Material Box [I]
Scroll of Judgment(No Trade)
Scroll of Life's Blessing [II](No Trade)
Scroll of Resurrection [II](No Trade)
Atlantis Gift Box [II] bisa mendapatkan item dibawah ini secara random
Ashen Crystal
Ashen Jewel
Ambrosia(No Trade)
Water of Life(No Trade)
Enchant Stone [II]
Material Box [II]
Scroll of Judgment(No Trade)
Scroll of Life's Blessing [II](No Trade)
Scroll of Resurrection [II](No Trade)
Atlantis Gift Box [III] bisa mendapatkan item dibawah ini secara random
Ashen Crystal
Ashen Jewel
Ambrosia(No Trade)
Water of Life(No Trade)
Enchant Stone [III]
Freezing Scroll(No Trade)
Scroll of Life's Blessing (No Trade)
Scroll of Resurrection (No Trade)
Atlantis Gift Box [IV] bisa mendapatkan item dibawah ini secara random
Giant Crystal
Redemption Crystal
Dragon Crystal
Phoenix Jewel
Giant Jewel
Redemption Jewel
Dragon Jewel
Enriched Adamantium Arrow
Enriched Adamantium Bullet
Enriched Adamantium Cannonball
Destroyer's Charm [II]
Assasin's Charm [II]
Savior's Charm [II]
Ambrosia(No Trade)
Water of Life(No Trade)
Enchant Stone [IV]
Manager's Scroll [IV]
Freezing Scroll(No Trade)
Scroll of Life's Blessing (No Trade)
Scroll of Resurrection (No Trade)
Atlantis Gift Box [V] bisa mendapatkan item dibawah ini secara random
Giant Crystal
Redemption Crystal
Dragon Crystal
Phoenix Jewel
Giant Jewel
Redemption Jewel
Dragon Jewel
Titanium Arrow
Titanium Bullet
Titanium Cannonball
Destroyer's Charm [III]
Assasin's Charm [III]
Savior's Charm [III]
Ambrosia(No Trade)
Water of Life(No Trade)
Enchant Stone [V]
Manager's Scroll [V]
Phoenix Scroll(No Trade)
Scroll of Life's Blessing (No Trade)
Scroll of Resurrection (No Trade)
30. Saat karakter kamu menggunakan mount, maka akan mendapatkan efek hampir sama dengan saat duduk tanpa mount. Urutannya adalah : Health -> Mana -> Experience Point
31. Jumlah auto-battles akan bertambah seiring dengan lamanya login
32. Carmilla dan Christine bisa direkrut di level 1
33. Daily Diary Experience point meningkat untuk karakter level 140